Location, Location, Location! Senior Week: Location Thursday! I’ll be honest…when my kids fall asleep in the car I take the opportunity to scout fun and new locations. I will also say that this is the one thing that stresses me out the most before a shoot! I’ve learned over the years to find great locations […]
Hey there, friends! This post will be mostly for upcoming seniors to get EXCITED about their senior portrait session, BUT it works for anyone who is looking forward to a photo session! Believe it or not, most of my senior clients book me in their junior year! Seriously?! Yes…By booking early they get first dibs […]
I have gotten a lot of questions from parents and students pertaining to, “What does your senior session include? What do I get if I choose you to take my pictures?” Great questions!! Well, friend…I am here to answer those questions and more!! Choosing a photographer for any occasion can be daunting. To be honest, […]
Photographing senior girls gives me so much happiness. My favorite part of senior photography is the excitement that surrounds it. Most people don’t get their photos taken by a professional photographer very much in their lifetime. Maybe once for senior photos, then again at their wedding, and if they are lucky, the will have the […]
Senior year in high school is such a milestone. To be able to hang out with all of these optimistic, joyful, and excited people makes my heart so happy. They fill my soul with so much hope and joy. They are on the cusp of life where one decision can can change their entire life’s […]
You read that right: The girl next door. I’m lucky enough to have this beautiful girl and her sweet sister as my next-door-neighbors. Yes, we won the lottery. From Ryann and Mariah buying them a bucketful of gifts at Halloween to their dad and mom lending us a hand with building tricycles and giving us […]
One of the most rewarding things for me taking pictures is when I share the back of the camera with each senior. It’s amazing to see each of their faces light up when they glance at my screen. Some even say, “No way! That’s not me!!” This reaction is my favorite–Yes, it is you!! You […]
Kyli knows how to bust a move…she’s been dancing since she was three. Let’s just say that I was born with no rhythm…so there’s that. I have always envied girls who can dance with their whole heart and bust moves that I would never dream of attempting…Yup. That’s this definitely Kyli and her friend Jamie. […]
Talk about talent! This girl is an athlete! I have heard so much about her from coaches I work with, and they all say the same thing–she was born to be an athlete! Let’s just say I had to use Julio the Stoolio the ENTIRE shoot…she’s just about half a foot taller than me. 😉 […]
COLOR! Finally!! I have been telling all of my seniors how over the past few years I have been craving some color! It has finally arrived!! I’m loving all of the bright and fun back drops I am finding to go with their awesome outfit choices! Keep them coming!! Speaking of outfit choices…wowza. This senior […]