The Girl Next Door


August 22, 2019

You read that right: The girl next door. I’m lucky enough to have this beautiful girl and her sweet sister as my next-door-neighbors. Yes, we won the lottery. From Ryann and Mariah buying them a bucketful of gifts at Halloween to their dad and mom lending us a hand with building tricycles and giving us delicious veggies fresh from their garden.

Did I mention my son is in love with these girls?! Who are we joking, he is their biggest fan. He rushes to the window whenever he hears one of their cars start up and gets the biggest flirty smile on his face as he sees them pull down their driveway.

But this girl… she has talent. Not only is she extremely smart (without even trying her dad might add), to her artistic talents…she has it all. I think Ryann has an extremely bright future ahead of her, and I encourage her to look into going into a career that can can incorporate all of her talents. She is beautiful inside and out and I am so excited to see how her future unfolds!!

Congrats, Ryann! It’s YOUR turn to be a senior!! I sure hope you know how much you are loved!


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