Light is Everything To the average eye, all light looks pretty similar–especially to someone who doesn’t dapple in photography. But, I am here to tell you that light. is. everything. It can make or break an image, and the time of day has a lot to do with it! I always shoot during golden hours. […]
Welcome to Senior Week where I share all my best tips and tricks to ROCK your senior session! Today is Style Tuesday! If you’re like me…I need a few tips on being stylish. I wish I could say that I was born to see style and what goes together with what. Nope. This definitely doesn’t […]
I have gotten a lot of questions from parents and students pertaining to, “What does your senior session include? What do I get if I choose you to take my pictures?” Great questions!! Well, friend…I am here to answer those questions and more!! Choosing a photographer for any occasion can be daunting. To be honest, […]
Photographing senior girls gives me so much happiness. My favorite part of senior photography is the excitement that surrounds it. Most people don’t get their photos taken by a professional photographer very much in their lifetime. Maybe once for senior photos, then again at their wedding, and if they are lucky, the will have the […]
Senior year in high school is such a milestone. To be able to hang out with all of these optimistic, joyful, and excited people makes my heart so happy. They fill my soul with so much hope and joy. They are on the cusp of life where one decision can can change their entire life’s […]
This year was a doozy. Anyone else feel like they were just drinking champagne watching the ball drop in Times Square for 2019?! Who am I kidding…I was shooting a New Years Eve wedding in Missoula, Montana that night, but you know what I mean. With all the craziness, this year went so incredibly fast! […]
Those first few weeks of having a newborn are so incredibly moving, transformational and let’s be real, exhausting. You look forward to having a child for months (and sometimes years), and then all of the sudden you are thrown into the world of being a parent. And you leave the hospital with a tiny human […]
How do you have a successful family shoot?! Well, it takes a lot of thought and excitement and then I take care of the rest! Here are my tried and true tips for a great family shoot: 1. Clothing Is Everything I used to think that clothing had little to do with the quality of […]
These two are perfect for each other. Both first grade teachers, both from the same home town, both kind as EVER. Like a lot of my clients, the weather forced us to reschedule their original date for their engagement session. That ALWAYS stresses me out, because I know couples put some much time, effort, and […]
The morning we woke up it was foggy. Probably not something a senior envisions for their senior shoot…but me?? Oh, yeah!! I was SO excited to see some fun weather challenge move in, and to be honest…I couldn’t have planned it better myself! A few days prior, I drove by this field thinking, “Oh, my […]