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Location, Location, Location! Senior Week: Location Thursday! I’ll be honest…when my kids fall asleep in the car I take the opportunity to scout fun and new locations. I will also say that this is the one thing that stresses me out the most before a shoot! I’ve learned over the years to find great locations […]

Senior Week: Location Thursday!

April 11, 2024


girl in white dress on a mountain top

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Light is Everything To the average eye, all light looks pretty similar–especially to someone who doesn’t dapple in photography. But, I am here to tell you that light. is. everything. It can make or break an image, and the time of day has a lot to do with it! I always shoot during golden hours. […]

Senior Week: Light Wednesday

April 10, 2024


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It’s officially SENIOR SEASON!! This is seriously the most excited I get ALL year. Shooting seniors gives me so much hope, optimism, and energy!! These girls (and guys!!) make me fall in love with photography all over again each and every shoot. They are open to fun and fresh ideas–as long as I look like […]

Fun & Fresh Senior Shoot!

July 20, 2019


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How I Started My Spokesmodel Program I tried a new venture this year…seniors. And guess what… I LOVED it. I mean, like…really enjoyed it. Like Christmas morning enjoyed it! I genuinely loved getting to meet so many beautiful (and insanely talented) young ladies in our amazing community.  They filled my soul with hope and excitement–after […]

Spokesmodel Program

December 14, 2018


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