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This shoot was supposed to happen sometime in July…Let’s just say Mr. Lee wanted to bake a little longer…But, boy oh boy, he was worth the wait!! The morning of the shoot was a beautiful 77 degrees. I dropped my kids off at daycare and started driving out toward the causeway to meet the newest […]

Helena Newborn Lifestyle Session

August 15, 2018


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Newborn lifestyle sessions are a fairly new concept. Stay home, drink your cup of coffee, chill (as much as you can with a newborn) and wait for a photographer to show up at your house to take some pictures that you’re going to cry over in aboooooout 18 years. That’s just what Severena and Jake […]

Montana Newborn Lifestyle Shoot

July 24, 2018


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Spring was FINALLY in the air. As I drove in sixty-degree sun to this couple’s home for their lifestyle newborn shoot, I couldn’t help but crank up my radio and roll with the windows down. Anyone who has been in Montana this “spring” knows all too well it should have just been called “The Second […]

Spring Newborn Lifestyle Shoot-Mateo

April 24, 2018


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