Montana Newborn Lifestyle Shoot


July 24, 2018

Newborn lifestyle sessions are a fairly new concept. Stay home, drink your cup of coffee, chill (as much as you can with a newborn) and wait for a photographer to show up at your house to take some pictures that you’re going to cry over in aboooooout 18 years.

That’s just what Severena and Jake decided to do. They waited for me to drive up on a sunny morning in late July to capture their first few weeks with Finley in their new home. They said he had a rough morning and they were worried that it wasn’t going to go well. Well he sure made them fibbers…He didn’t make a peep the whole time. He knew this was his debut!

Jake and Seve have done quite a bit this year… they got married, bought a house, oh…and had their first baby. It was about this time last year that I had a five-week-old wrapped on my chest as I shot their wedding up near Kalispell. Now, a year later, we nestled down for a quiet morning and just celebrated this new chapter in their life– Finley.

Welcome to the world, little man. If I know your parents very well, I know that you will go on lots of hiking adventures, swims with your big black labrador brother, and will probably run into my family at the breweries. Love you already, Mr.!


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