Mhm. That’s me on the right. 18. Oofta. What a road ahead I have. After meeting so many 2018 and 2019 seniors this spring, it made me think about how I felt being a senior myself. This post is a letter I wish I could have told myself nearly 14 years ago when I was […]
It occurred to me this afternoon while planning a wedding consultation with a future bride that summer social media is saturated with WEDDING images and hardly anything is focused on the engaged couples anxiously awaiting their future wedding date. So… this one is for those of you engaged couples that would like some inspiration and […]
I met Lexi nearly a year ago at our local Starbucks. I always admire brides who contact me without meeting me and actually feel comfortable sitting down to have coffee together. I knew almost immediately that I was going to like her! I admire Lexi for so many reasons. She is such a genuinely graceful […]
Senior year in high school is such a milestone. To be able to hang out with all of these optimistic, joyful, and excited people makes my heart so happy. They fill my soul with so much hope and joy. They are on the cusp of life where one decision can can change their entire life’s […]
Shooting weddings will always have a special place in my heart. When I was a senior in high school, I asked a local photographer if I could come to a wedding with her. Bless her heart. She said yes! Little did she (or I for that matter) know that she would be the first person […]
This year was a doozy. Anyone else feel like they were just drinking champagne watching the ball drop in Times Square for 2019?! Who am I kidding…I was shooting a New Years Eve wedding in Missoula, Montana that night, but you know what I mean. With all the craziness, this year went so incredibly fast! […]
I shifted my 4-Runner into 4-wheel drive as I turned onto Ali and Brent’s road. The snow was softly falling as my windshield wipers tried to keep up. Snow-covered pine trees and quiet homes with porch lights on lined the country road as I made my way to meet 4-day-old Sawyer. As I drove up […]
I had never met Kevin until the day of their engagement shoot. Abby was all smiles as she described him during her wedding consultation, and I was anxious to meet him for the first time. Everything she was telling me about him made me smile and my heart was full listening to her admiration of […]
Those first few weeks of having a newborn are so incredibly moving, transformational and let’s be real, exhausting. You look forward to having a child for months (and sometimes years), and then all of the sudden you are thrown into the world of being a parent. And you leave the hospital with a tiny human […]
How do you have a successful family shoot?! Well, it takes a lot of thought and excitement and then I take care of the rest! Here are my tried and true tips for a great family shoot: 1. Clothing Is Everything I used to think that clothing had little to do with the quality of […]