Okay. To be perfectly honest…I was HOPING these two would call me to be their wedding photographer after I had met them almost to the day, one year ago. On that day, I was taking photos of his sweet sister, in the crisp autumn air in what would turn out to be, a wedding where […]
One day I will wonder how I ever did what I do now. I will wonder, “How did I possibly juggle raising a three-year-old and a one-year-old (BOYS–these things are harder than girls–I’m convinced), be a wife, be a friend, wash the laundry, do the dishes, clean the house, pay the bills, run a photography […]
Katie was the first girl I reached out to about the KV Senior Spokesmodel team for Helena High School. I was so thankful that she totally trusted a stranger with a wild idea–and I am so thankful she did. She set off a great dream for me to network with both high school’s 2019 seniors. […]
Newborn lifestyle sessions are a fairly new concept. Stay home, drink your cup of coffee, chill (as much as you can with a newborn) and wait for a photographer to show up at your house to take some pictures that you’re going to cry over in aboooooout 18 years. That’s just what Severena and Jake […]
Mariah just so happens to live right. next. door…YES!! I am the luckiest girl on the block! All I knew about her is that she was super cute, super nice, and my son has the BIGGEST crush on her…Sorry hun, I think she’s a little too old for you… We met at her house on […]