Location, Location, Location! Senior Week: Location Thursday! I’ll be honest…when my kids fall asleep in the car I take the opportunity to scout fun and new locations. I will also say that this is the one thing that stresses me out the most before a shoot! I’ve learned over the years to find great locations […]
Light is Everything To the average eye, all light looks pretty similar–especially to someone who doesn’t dapple in photography. But, I am here to tell you that light. is. everything. It can make or break an image, and the time of day has a lot to do with it! I always shoot during golden hours. […]
Hey there, friends! This post will be mostly for upcoming seniors to get EXCITED about their senior portrait session, BUT it works for anyone who is looking forward to a photo session! Believe it or not, most of my senior clients book me in their junior year! Seriously?! Yes…By booking early they get first dibs […]
I have gotten a lot of questions from parents and students pertaining to, “What does your senior session include? What do I get if I choose you to take my pictures?” Great questions!! Well, friend…I am here to answer those questions and more!! Choosing a photographer for any occasion can be daunting. To be honest, […]
Have you ever wanted to turn your passion into a business? Are you wondering where to start? Well this post is for you! It’s going to be focused on how to start a photography business, but you can really follow these same steps to start any new business you want to! This is your year! […]
When I started my photography business, I had no clue which photography tools to use. I searched the internet aimlessly, read numerous blogs from photographers I admired, all to feel defeated and overwhelmed at the end of each day. Knowing this, I created this blog with that in mind! I have compiled all of my […]
This sunset fall engagement session was gorgeous, but we paid for it with 457 mosquito bites. However, this shoot was full of that golden hour glow and it was totally worth itching for days. These images are the ones I dream about when it’s negative temperatures outside during the long cold winter months. Even though […]
Mikayla and Kyle met at Carroll College years ago, and when I heard their campus proposal story, I knew part of their engagement shoot had to happen there too! These two are without a doubt destined to be together. And just from hanging out with them on their shoot, I could feel the excitement and […]
I will be honest. I was an hour late to this shoot. That NEVER happens. Like–ever. But the sweet voice on the other end of the phone called to see if I was ok, hoping that nothing had happened to me. I’ve never been so embarrassed! My heart sunk, because it was totally my fault. […]
When I noticed our out-of-state phone numbers were from the same home town, I knew meeting these new parents was going to be fun! Sure enough, Tessa and I grew up in the same small town in North Idaho, and we had so much in common! It was so fun to reminisce about our old […]