My Little Isla Laura


November 24, 2020

My Dear Isla,

Where do I begin? God chose you to enter our life in such a remarkable way and I am so incredibly thankful that he did. You beat all the odds. Although we weren’t planning on adding to our family, you entered our hearts and lives anyway. I remember the day we found out we were pregnant again. It was the same day that the world learned of a virus that would potentially devastate millions. Enter a positive pregnancy test.

I was scared. I cried… a lot. I was terrified to be pregnant again, especially in the midst of a pandemic. I was scared to do newborn-hood again. I was scared to bring you into the world that was hurting so much. But again, I realized that you were coming for a reason.  There had to be a reason.

Oh, how long I’ve dreamed of you. A daughter. MY daughter. I have always yearned for a baby girl to fill up my soul. After losing my mom and realizing how special a bond is between a mother and a daughter, I desperately wanted that for myself. You were our saving grace. Your presence inside of me reminded me that I wasn’t in control, and to remember that God was. You brought such a bright light into such a dark time, and for that I will always be thankful.

Isla means “vibrant, brilliant, and bright as the sun”. That is exactly what we all need right now. A bright light of hope for the future.

You will always be my light, baby girl. Always.

Love you,


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