Helena Lifestyle Session


April 10, 2019

From their engagement photos, to their wedding day, and now to the new life they created, I go way back with Katie and Rory. So far back in fact, that when I got to their house and realized that I forgot all of my SD cards on my kitchen counter (yes…ALL), I wasn’t too embarrassed to ask if they had an extra SD camera card so that we could take some photos. Enter mom-who-ran-out-the-door-due-to-baby-sitter-meltdown *here*.

Yep. I’m human. I got all of my cards out the night before to format them and clean them up, then totally forgot them on my counter. But, you know what? Katie and Rory didn’t blink an eye. They had my back and got me a card to shoot. I’d like to say that I am not a forgetful person, but oofta. My husband would disagree. This is a new goal for me… and probably always will be. Anyone else struggle with this?!

On a good note though, baby Elliot was a dream. Supposedly he cries. I don’t believe it. He is supposedly nocturnal. Having survived sleep deprivation with not one, but two boys…I do believe that. It’s all part of the journey, right?!

Congrats you two!! You guys are going to be the best parents!!

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