What Makes Me Keep Shooting


August 14, 2019

One of the most rewarding things for me taking pictures is when I share the back of the camera with each senior. It’s amazing to see each of their faces light up when they glance at my screen. Some even say, “No way! That’s not me!!” This reaction is my favorite–Yes, it is you!! You are gorgeous (or handsome as my gentleman seniors would have it). The moment when they see what others see is amazing.

Riley is no different. In fact, I don’t think it’s possible to take a bad picture of her… She has an infectious smile that can light up a room! We had a gorgeous morning to shoot, and I was thrilled that she had so many fun outfits to try on and I was so happy she wasn’t afraid to sit in a grass-hopper covered field. And did I mention that this girl is an a.t.h.e.l.e.t.e. Wowa!! I’m always blown back by my seniors and thier talents. It’s pretty remarkable that so many young people in town are so skilled at what they do!

I often get asked, “Why photography?”

Well, I can honestly say that I love making other people happy. This is one medium to do that. I mean, how many jobs are out there that actually make other people happy? And I have to say, the best part of photography is making people smile and feel good about themselves. We all need more of that, right? How often do you feel pretty or handsome? How often do you get to be the center of attention? For 90 minutes, I love to shower my seniors with all the love I have. And most of them will tell you I get a weeeeeee-bit excited when we make magic. I may or may not have to control myself…

That’s why I keep shooting…moments that make others happy–we need more jobs like this in the world!

Cheers, friends! You are beautiful!

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