Hey there, friends! This post will be mostly for upcoming seniors to get EXCITED about their senior portrait session, BUT it works for anyone who is looking forward to a photo session! Believe it or not, most of my senior clients book me in their junior year! Seriously?! Yes…By booking early they get first dibs of my summer schedule PLUS they get $100 off with my Early Bird Senior Special! If you want more info–just reach out and I can email it to you! It’s always nice saving moo-la! Message me for more info here!
So you have chosen your photographer, secured your date, and are getting excited to go shopping and pick out your outfits…but have no clue what to do with your hair and makeup! Well this blog is for you! Here are some awesome hair and makeup tips and styles that you can look forward to this summer!
Professional Hair and Makeup
Professional hair and makeup looks amazing on camera and removes all of the stress of getting ready on your own. This is the time to treat yourself! Whether it is lash extensions or a cute styled-braid, professional hair and makeup will give you an extra boost of confidence in front of the camera, and it always stands out in photos. Some clients may feel like their professional hair and makeup is “too much” at first, since it is more than they normally wear, but to be honest, they make images pop and stand out.
To Spray Tan or Not to Spray Tan…
I’ll save you some heartache. Skip the spray tan!! Even when done by a professional, it tends to photograph with an orange hue. If you MUST tan, please, please, please wear sunscreen and watch out for tan lines with the outfits you chose. It is very hard, if not impossible to fix tan lines post-processing. Your natural skin tone is best!
Create a Variety
Consider doing half of your shoot with your styled, and the other half with your hair down. If you plan on doing this, and you are using a professional stylist, let her know your plan, and she can help show you how to keep your braid in, but to take out certain pins so that you can have a more relaxed look for your less formal outfits.
Hair and Wind
We live in Montana—wind is part of the package. Accept it and embrace it. Some of my favorite images were created with wind, and if you work with the wind it can be your best friend and give some life and movement to your shoot!
Hope these tips will help you!! Enjoy planning your shoot!
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